Garlic is one of the best easiest vegetables to plant, and can be done so in the fall. Garlic is part of the allium family and is a bulbous vegetable with individual cloves within a whole bulb. Planting garlic in fall is an excellent way to ensure a healthy harvest that is usually ready by mid-summer.
Planting Garlic in Fall – A Gardening Guide

Plant garlic in a location where nothing else has been planted before, especially onions or garlic. Choose a spot where not much water will gather, as this could cause root rot.
Plant garlic in fertile, well draining soil. Work several inches of compost or manure into the soil and add in a 10-10-10 fertilizer. Raised beds and containers also work very well for garlic!
Planting Garlic:
Space each garlic clove about 4-6″ apart, and space each row of garlic about 1 foot apart. Be sure to plant each clove with the pointy end up, pushing the cloves about 1-2″ into the soil. Tamp the soil down and water if soil is dry.
Planting Time:
Start planting your garlic cloves in mid-autumn in a sunny location. Alternatively, you can also plant garlic in early spring as soon as the ground can be worked.
After planting, lay down a layer of mulch, leaves, or grass clippings. This is to protect the crop as well as to hold in moisture. The mulch should be about 4″ thick, especially if you're planting in autumn.
Harvesting Garlic:
Your garlic plants should be ready for harvest once the leaves have turned brown. This will usually happen in July-August, depending on time the of planting and your climate.
Gently dig the bulbs out, and be careful not to rip or bruise them. Lay the garlic plants out to dry for 2-3 weeks in a shady location with good air circulation.
Planting garlic in fall is easy and will ensure a prosperous harvest in the summer!
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