Whether you're growing honeydew melons, cantaloupes, or muskmelon, this article on how to grow melons will apply to all different types and varieties! This sweet and fleshy fruit is a popular one in the garden, and for good reason too! Not only are melons fairly easy to grow, but they don't occupy as much space as say, watermelons, giving you more room for other fruits and veggies! Keep reading to find out how to grow melons in your garden!

How to Grow Melons

melon harvest

Planting Melons:

  • Plan to use soil that is slightly acidic, usually with a pH of 6.0-6.5
  • Never plant melons around squash and cucumbers as they can cross-breed.
  • Plant in the early spring, once all danger of frost has passed and temperatures have risen to 70-80F (21-27C).
  • Cultivate the planting area by removing any rocks or debris and form small hills in the soil, so that the melon vines can climb up.
  • Plant 3-5 seeds per hill about 2 inches apart and 1 inch deep.
  • Water the seeds well after planting.
  • Once seedlings have sprouted, see which one is tallest – leave the tallest in the ground but remove the rest.
  • If you live in a colder climate, you can still plant melons. Simply lay down plastic mulch, allowing the seedlings to grow through the plastic mulch.
  • Alternatively, you can also start melon plants indoors using the same tips as above.

Melon Care:

  • Water about an inch or two per week.
  • Fertilize every 2-3 weeks.
  • The first plants to flower will be male and will wilt. The second set of flowers will be female and those are the ones that produce the fruit.
  • Slow down watering once you are close to harvest. Doing this will ensure a sweeter fruit.
  • Melons are ready for picking once you can smell the fruit through the skin!

So now that you know how to grow melons, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to planting!

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How to Grow Melons

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